Mark Hui
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Mark Hui was first trained as a pianist and a violinist. He holds the Bachelor (Honours) of Music degree with First Class Honours from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, as well as the Master of Music degree from the Manhattan School of Music in New York. He has attained the Fellowship of Royal Schools of Music (FRSM) with distinctions in both violin and piano performance. His mentors include Ms Poon Tak, Mr Tsai Loo, Mr Ma Cong, Prof. David Gwilt, Prof. Michael Ma, Dr Amy Sze, Ms Lucie Robert and the late Wong Wai-ming.
Hui has an immense passion in playing in orchestras, which brings him to perform in some of the best concert halls in New York, Berlin, Salzburg, Sydney, Zurich and Tokyo. He was invited to perform as Concertmaster in several prestigious overseas orchestras, including the Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra, the NJO National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands and the Asian Youth Orchestra. He also performed with the YouTube Symphony Orchestra, the New York String Orchestra Seminar, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the Hong Kong Philharmonic, experiences that have taken him around the world working with legendary conductors such as Christoph Eschenbach, Michael Tilson Thomas, Edo de Waart, Esa-Pekka Salomon and the late Sir Neville Marriner. In 2014, Hui was appointed Concertmaster of the Broadway production Phantom of the Opera at the AsiaWorld-Expo.
Active as a soloist, Hui was a winner of the HKAPA Academy Concerto Trial and performed Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto with the late Alan Cumberland. He has also performed a wide range of repertoire including Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, Beethoven’s Triple Concerto, Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E Minor, Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No.2 and Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, and has collaborated with distinguished artists such as cellist Jian Wang, pianist Rachel Cheung, and conductors Lio Kuok-man, Slash Leung and Sean Li.
As a conductor, Hui was invited as Resident Conductor of the Hong Kong Festival Orchestra in 2013, and has led the orchestra collaborating with renowned violinist Joshua Bell, pianists Rachel Cheung, HK Duo and Yundi Li, cellist Jian Wang, oboist Song-lam Yiu, as well as The King’s Singers. He has also assisted Maestro Vassily Sinaisky and Eric Whitacre with their concerts. In addition, Mark was a conductor fellow at the prestigious American Academy of Conducting at Aspen, where he studied conducting with Maestri Robert Spano, Leonard Slatkin, Federico Cortese, Hugh Wolff and Johannes Debus. His conducting mentors also include David Gilbert and the late Alan Cumberland. In 2019, he was invited to conduct the Dohnanyi Orchestra Budafok at the Dohnanyi Academy in Budapest and studied with Gábor Hollerung. During the global pandemic, he was invited to participate in online masterclasses with Neeme Järvi and Jukka-Pekka Saraste.
In recent years, Hui has been a devoted chamber musician who keeps close associations with numerous distinguished local artists and institutions, such as SingFest, Hong Kong Voices, Tai Kwun, Music Lab, CU Chorus and Tom Lee Music Live. Currently Hui serves as music teacher and conductor at the Alliance Primary School Kowloon Tong.
許氏早年以優異成績考獲英國皇家音樂學院的小提琴與鋼琴演奏雙院士文憑(FRSM),其後主修小提琴並畢業於香港演藝學院及紐約曼克頓音樂學院,先後獲頒音樂學士(一級榮 譽)及碩士學位。他的恩師包括潘德女士、蔡路先生、馬驄先生、紀大衛教授、馬忠為教授、施敏倫博士、露茜.若貝爾女士 (Lucie Robert)、及已故黃衞明老師。
許氏曾在德國石荷州節慶管弦樂團(Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra)、荷蘭國家青年樂團(The NJO National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands)及亞洲青年管弦樂團(Asian Youth Orchestra)中擔任樂團首席;並曾參與YouTube交響樂團、紐約弦樂團座談會(New York String Orchestra Seminar)、香港小交響樂團及香港管弦樂團之演出。2014年,許氏獲委任為百老匯著名音樂劇《歌聲魅影》樂團首席,並在亞洲國際博覽館開展香港巡演。
作為獨奏,許氏曾於香港演藝學院協奏曲比賽中獲勝,並與已故辜柏倫教授指揮的演藝交響樂團演出柴可夫斯基的《小提琴協奏曲》。此外,許氏曾演出韋華第的《四季》、貝多芬的《三重協奏曲》、孟德爾頌的《E小調小提琴協奏曲》、拉赫瑪尼諾夫的《第二號鋼琴協奏曲》及歌舒詠的《藍色狂想曲》,並曾與多位知名藝術家合作,包括王健、張緯晴、廖國敏、 梁志邦及李承謙等。
作為指揮, 許氏在2013年獲邀擔任香港節慶管弦樂團駐團指揮,至今已帶領樂團與多位著名音樂家同台演出,當中包括小提琴家約書亞.貝爾、鋼琴家張緯晴、HK Duo、李雲迪、大提琴家王健、雙簧管演奏家和教育家姚桑琳教授及英皇合唱團。此外,他亦曾協助指揮辛奈斯基及格林美得獎作曲家韋塔克準備樂團排練和演出。另外,許氏獲全額獎學金參與美國亞斯本音樂節,受教於多位指揮大師,包括斯帕諾、史拉健、科特賽、德布斯和伍爾夫。他的指揮啟蒙老師包括大衛.吉伯特和已故辜柏倫先生。在2019年,許氏獲邀指揮匈牙利的Dohnanyi Orchestra Budafok並參加杜南伊學院,師隨豪勒隆。在疫情期間,他獲選參加指揮大師約菲和薩拉斯泰的線上指揮大師班。
許氏一直積極參與多個本地音樂創作,近年以室樂演奏家身份活躍於 本地樂壇,曾與聲蜚合唱節、香港和聲、大館、Music Lab、中大合唱團、Tom Lee Music Live等大型本地音樂團體合作演出。現時,許氏任職於九龍塘宣道小學的音樂老師和樂團指揮。